The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.– Alfred Austin
Gardens provide the opportunity to unite neighbors and grow not just plants but a solid community. These are some of the gardens created by the members and supporters of the Natomas Garden & Arts Club.
GRASSLAND GARDEN: This ambitious garden project is in partnership with the Xerces Society and began as a “Miles for Monarchs” Shine Grant Application (June 2021). The year’s long development of a pollinator garden to be planted in an area along each side of the paved Ninos Parkway was realized in December 2022. Learn more about the Grassland Garden.

NINOS COMMUNITY GARDEN: NGAC maintains a 20′ x 20′ plot in the Ninos Community Garden located in South Natomas. We are always looking for members to be a part of our team for the planning, planting, maintenance, and periodic harvesting of the plot. Please contact Nancy Kapellas at if you are interested!

GARDEN VALLEY POLLINATOR GARDEN: The NGAC received a small grant from the Sacramento Perennial Plant Society written in cooperation with the Xerces Society in 2019 to create a teaching garden at the Garden Valley Elementary School in Sacramento. Working with school administrators, faculty and students, NGAC members transformed an area of the school into a beautiful garden that attracts butterflies and other pollinators.

CAN YOU DIG IT?: The NGAC’s gardening Guru, Dr. Bruce Ritter of the Sacramento Botanical Gardens organization showcases gardens around Sacramento, shows us what’s growing on in our Ninos Community Garden and has shared expert gardening tips in a series of recorded videos.
VIDEO PRESENTATIONS: In addition to live garden events, the Natomas Garden & Arts Club have recorded several presentations on the topic of gardening. View our videos here: NGAC Channel

Wish List
NINOS COMMUNITY GARDEN LANGUAGE OUTREACH PROGRAM: To increase community connections, the NGAC would like to provide translation services. Do you have language skills? Contact Amie Tokuhama
TOOL LIBRARY & RESOURCE BANK: This is one of the NGAC’s big dreams, to help homeowners in our community maintain equity through a lending tool and resource library thus protecting the value of one’s most important investment.