Our Vision for a Center
In the short time since its formation, the experience of the Natomas Garden and Arts Club has shown that there is tremendous interest in gardening and the arts within the community. We constantly receive requests to participate in and lead such activities. We would be able to better serve the Community with a central location to focus on these activities.
The Gallery, Garden & Classes
The NGAC vision is a Center that is a place of beauty, knowledge and excitement. The Center would have a gallery to showcase works of art, both by local artists as well as visiting artists from all over the World. The Old Redcliffe Fire Station Art Gallery shown here demonstrates how viable this concept is. Classrooms would allow instruction, teaching, and demonstrations to bring skills and activities to adults and children alike. The grounds of the Center would display modern horticultural and environmental practices as well as being a focus of natural charm. The Center will be a dynamic, living example of how gardening and the arts enhance and impact a Community. Clayton Community Center and the Potocki Center for the Arts pictured here are excellent examples of that.
Location, Location, Location
In 2019 the Sacramento City Council approved funding for the Natomas Garden and Arts Center which will be located at the old Fire Station 15 Building along Truxel Road. The Garden and Arts Club has been meeting with Council member Jeff Harris regarding this project. Jeff Harris’ office is waiting for specific project staff to be assigned to this work.
Below are photos of the Fire Station on Truxel Road, an aerial view, some rough sketches and a vision board.
Programs & Services
The Center will offer lectures, classes and workshops to help educate and enrich our community. Much of our work will be accomplished in and through the gardens which will surround the Center.
The gallery will attract art lovers to our neighborhood and provide a venue for local artists to show their work.
The gallery, clubhouse and landscaped gardens will be perfect for receptions, meetings, celebrations, plein air creations, and many other types of gatherings.
Additionally, being in the Capital of California, we are on the forefront of environmental and conservation issues, and on the cutting edge of other quality-of-life movements such as Farm to Fork and Slow Food. Much of the food that feeds the world is produced on farms surrounding Natomas. Natomas has been a farming community since it was little more than grain and rice fields with an occasional farmhouse. Large yards, garden produce and “front yard fruit” still abound in our community.
Located adjacent to the confluence of the American and Sacramento Rivers, there is an abundance of urban wildlife. From flocks of turkeys crossing the streets, geese flying overhead, hummingbirds, and bee hives, there are many sources of inspiration which can be part of innovative landscape and gardening projects.