NGAC Calendar

Week of Jan 16th

  • Board, Committee & Volunteer Opportunities Q&A

    Board, Committee & Volunteer Opportunities Q&A

    January 16, 2022

    Come and visit with NGAC Board president, Amie T for a two-hour open-forum Q&A. Come find out more about the NGAC and our plans for 2022. Come share your inspiration and vision. Find ways you can be involved that are interesting and exciting for you and beneficial to the community. The NGAC is growing fast! The decisions being made today that will effect our community for generations to come. We need your voice and vision!

    Amie Tokuhama is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Q&A
    Time: Sunday, January 16, 2022 11am-1pm

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 819 9819 5881
    Passcode: 644048
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    Meeting ID: 819 9819 5881
    Passcode: 644048
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